
A Cancer Registrar’s professional profile would not be complete with resources. There are so many available to you it is hard to summarize them or include them all on this website. But we are going to try. So, please check back frequently as this is going to be a “work in progress.”

Here are links to the various resources you should be familiar with:

  • Standard-setting agencies: you probably saw many of these on our home page, But, click here to see them all.
  • Professional associations: there are many professional associations, regional, state and national. Click on the category(ies) below to find the associations closest to you.
  • Continuing Education: educational resources can be categorized as CTR exam prep resources and those who offer educational opportunities for CTRs after they have earned their certification. Click on the categories below to explore the lists:
    • CTR Exam Prep (coming soon),
    • Continuing Education (coming soon)
  • Advocacy organizations: these are the organizations that provide education and support to cancer patients. Quite often they have educational materials or resources that cancer registrars may also find useful and listed by primary sites or topics.
    • General (coming soon)
    • Brain (coming soon)
    • Breast (coming soon)
    • Lung (coming soon)

As noted above, these lists are going to grow over time, so please check back us with frequently to see what is new and which resources you need in your portfolio.