Competencies: Dealing with People

The following core competencies describe some the skills and observable behaviors that would indicate existence of the competency by a cancer registrar.

Competencies: Dealing with People

  • Establishes Focus: demonstrates the ability to develop and communicate goals that align with the facility’s and cancer program’s mission.
  • Provides Motivational Support: enhances other’s commitment to their work
  • Fosters Teamwork: has the ability and desire to work collaboratively with others on a team. As a team leader, has the ability to demonstrate interest, skill, and success in facilitating the groups in working together.
  • Empowers Others: conveys confidence in another’s ability to be successful, especially when faced with challenging tasks; delegates significant responsibility and authority; allows others the freedom to decide how they will accomplish their goals and resolve issues.
  • Manages Change: demonstrates support for innovation and organizational changes needed to improve effectiveness; helps others to successfully manage change.
  • Coaches and Develops Others: is able to delegate responsibility and to work with others to coach them to develop their capabilities.
  • Manages Performance: Takes responsibility for one’s own or their employee’s performance by setting clear goals and expectations, tracking progress against the goals, enhancing feedback, and addressing performance problems and issues promptly.
  • Pays Attention to Communication: ensures that information is passed on to others who should be informed.
  • Oral Communication: Expresses oneself clearly in conversations and interactions with others.
  • Written Communication: Expresses oneself clearly in business writing
  • Persuasive Communications: Demonstrates the ability to plan and deliver oral and written communications that impact and persuade others.
  • Interpersonal Awareness: Notices, interprets, and anticipates others’ concerns and feelings, is able to communicate this awareness empathetically with others.
  • Influencing Others: Has the ability to earn others’ support for ideas, proposals, projects, and solutions.
  • Builds Collaborative Relationships: Demonstrates the ability to develop, maintain, and strengthen partnerships with others inside or outside the organization while providing information, assistance and support.
  • Patient or Customer-Centric: Demonstrates concern for meeting and exceeding the needs of internal and external customers and patients.

See also: