Category: NCRA

National Cancer Registrars Association

2023 Updates to ICD-O-3

8/22/2022 – NAACCR has released the 2023 updates to the ICD-O-3 histology and behavior codes. All Registrars, regardless of which type of facility, should become familiarw with the proposed changes and guidelines and coordinate with your software vendor updates to their software and edits metafiles.

To download the files (at no charge), click here ICD O 3 Coding Updates – NAACCR. Updates are available in PDF and Excel file formats. Code lists are available in numeric and alpha tables. Also available is an annotated histology list with descriptions. Be sure to read the Coding Guidelines document for the summary of changes and how updates will be implemented and the rationale for doing so.

CoC Publishes Responses to NCRA Sessions Q&A

The American College of Surgeons (ACoS) presented several sessions at the National Cancer Registrar’s Association (NCRA) annual educational conference held on June 3-5, 2021. In response to the participant questions asked at each of these sessions, the ACoS has released a PDF with a written response to all the questions they received. You can view this document below.

Note: if you cannot see the PDF document, copy and paste this URL into your web browser:


New Cancer Registry Management Principles and Practice for Hospitals and Central Registries

Today NCRA announced the release of the new 4th Edition, Principles and Practice for Hospitals and Central Registries textbook. This new edition was revised by a volunteer team of cancer registry professionals representing various standard-setting agencies and groups from the cancer surveillance community in North America. The 4th edition is now for sale in the NCRA Store and NCRA members ma purchase at a discounted rate. An e-version of the book is also available.

The textbook contains a history of cancer registration, discussion on the roles of key organizations, description of the cancer data collection process, and details the flow of data from hospitals to the state, national and federal agencies. It is divided into four sections:

  • Cancer Registry,
  • Data Collection and Abstraction,
  • Data Aggregation and Quality, and
  • Uses of Cancer Registry Data.

New chapters ave been added and a focus on the cancer patient’s journey has been added to give context and to illustrate how their journey is connected to the data collection and flow.

If you are a new registrar and studying for the CTR exam, make sure you refer to the CTR Exam Handbook before purchasing to make sure you have the correct version of the book in hand for study.

NCRA Call for Abstracts Now Open

The National Cancer Registrar’s Association (NCRA) will launch its first hybrid conference April 6-9, 2022 in Washington D.C. with the return of the long-awaited in-person conference plus an option to register for virtual sessions. More info on registration and lodging will be announced later this year.

The window to submit oral presentation and poster abstracts is now open. Deadline to submit is August 27, 2021. All submissions are reviewed by the 2022 Program Comimttee and selected presenters will be notified by November 5, 2021. Registrars are encouraged to submit their topics, best practices and Registry solutions using the following links:

Some suggested topics include:

  • COVID-19 (impact on patients, treatment or survival, data collection or registry operations)
  • Casefinding (tell us about your advanced best practices or information sources)
  • Data Use (high-quality data collection, correlation to epidemiological or quality studies)
  • Abstracting and Coding (best practices or how you have handled problematic situations, visual editing, XRT coding)
  • Treatment and Evidence-Based Guidelines (cytogenetic or molecular genetics and how it impacts abstracting)
  • CoC, NAPBC or NAPRC standards, RCRS implementation, Survivorship Program best practices
  • Data Quality
  • Follow-Up
  • Registry Management and Operations
  • Professional Development
  • Central Cancer Registries

After you have logged into the Abstract Collection Site you will be asked to identify if your topic is for oral presentation or a poster. The 2022 Program Committee makes the final decision on the intended presentation’s format and will ask the presenter(s) for their agreement. Each submission includes a short, descriptive title, three learning objectives, a 150-word description, and a 100-word presenter bio. Oral presentations are being accepted for both plenary (45-60 minutes) and concurrent (30-45 minute) sessions.

Best Practice Series for Cancer Registrars

The National Cancer Registrar’s Association (NCRA) launched a new information series, titled “NCRA Best Practice Guidance Series” in April 2021. As the industry leader in cancer registry salary and workforce research, NCRA has teamed up with partner organizations to identify the needs, launch initiatives and coordinate studies that will promote outcomes. Much of this work has been designed to share national workload and time management data relevant for hospital- and central cancer registry based Registrars.

The NCRA Best Practice Guidance Series is the first of a series NCRA plans to release that will organize and deliver a structured set of information on a variety of cancer registry workforce procedures, management and activities to guide cancer registry operations and staffing needs.

The first resource to be launched in this series, titled “Why Your Staff are Your Top Resource When Considering Outsourcing Services in Support of the Cancer Registry” was released in April, 2021. Additional resources will be released as they become available.

To download the NCRA Best Practice Guidance Series: Why Your Staff Are Your Top Resource When Considering Outsourcing Services in Support of the Cancer Registry, click here to be redirected to the NCRA webpage.